
Would you believe I’ve never painted a room before?

Well, I’ve painted, of course. But always with someone else’s paint, someone else’s colour, someone else’s choice. Years of living in shared rented houses has meant that somehow I’ve got to the age of 33 without ever choosing what colour to paint a room.

Which is quite shocking, when you think about it.

There’s a million things that *need* doing in this house, but somehow I found myself staring at paint for the attic. Which didn’t *need* painting at all – it’s one of the few parts of the house that actually already has paint on all of the walls. But I fancied a change, and I spend a lot of time in the attic, and it’s not much used by anyone else, so it seemed a good place to experiment.

What colour though? Turquoise? Too stark? The carpet is red and patterned, and there is a lot of stuff in the attic. It needed to be something unobtrusive, but still cheerful. Something that would sit well with the white on the other walls.

After 20 minutes of dithering, I realised that if I didn’t like it, I could just paint over it. I know, you’re wondering how it took me 20 minutes to realise that…

And so I am proud to present my retro ochre (or, er, yellow) attic.

Attic 2 Attic 1I’ve not yet managed a decent daytime photo, but you get the idea. I love it.

I don’t know why I thought it was such a big deal. The paint cost £10, and I spent about two hours in total painting, and several more hours moving things and tidying up.

Now I’m wondering what else I can paint…

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7 Responses to painting

  1. Lula says:

    Oh it’s LOVELY, so cheery and cosy looking, just perfect. How wonderful to have an attic room all of your own…

  2. essexhebridean says:

    Looks brilliant! Such a lovely warm colour too – your whole house strikes me as a warm colour sort of place. So come on then, now you’ve got the bug, where’s being painted next?!

  3. It looks fab. I love that sideboard thing with all the little jars in. What a lovely space to sew *ahem* work in. Much cosier than my tent 😉

  4. Heather says:

    Looks lovely! If you’re looking for more rooms to paint, I have a few here you could make a start on!!! 🙂

  5. Sue says:

    Your attic looks lovely – sunshiney!

  6. Thank you all for your lovely comments! I’m SO much enjoying it.

    But, er, I’m afraid I won’t be offering to paint anyone else’s house any time soon… Sorry Heather, I know you’re probably not in much of a state to be painting yourself right now! And Robyn, as much as the rest of the house could do with a good paint, I’m going to wait until inspiration strikes again I think… I’ll try for a daytime photo soon!

  7. cherisong says:

    I always imagined your attic to be cosy and now I can see it is. Inspiration is a marvellous thing and I am often inspired by other peoples homes. Your little cubby holes have inspired me to think about storage more creatively.

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