where did the time go?

DSCF5176Goodness me, where did the first half of March go?

I confess I’ve been rather preoccupied and neglecting a lot of things lately. You know, housework, washing, poor little blog, returning phone calls and emails, cooking – those types of things. Why? Because at the grand old age of 32 I decided it would be a good idea to put myself through a grade 8 flute exam.

But more about that later. I did manage to squeeze in a couple of cheerful trips, and I wanted to show you pictures before they get lost in the mists of time.

First of all I went on a trip to London, with some lovely friends – Fay, Lula, Gill and Robyn, who has written all about it here. You can get more of an idea of the day from Robyn’s pictures – most of my pictures seem to be of, er, food.


DSCF5179DSCF5180DSCF5189Oh, and a boat, which we weren’t on.

DSCF5181Last weekend me and Peter took ourselves out to Buxton for the day. I had a slight feeling of trepidation as we drove over there – good job we weren’t going for the scenery…

DSCF5231Still, the park looked nicely mysterious in the mist, and it was pretty cosy inside the pavillion.

DSCF5208DSCF5207DSCF5213DSCF5211Obviously there was cake, and I can tell you it’s a good job I don’t live round the corner from that bakery, because their salted-caramel-and-peanut-giant-slab-of-a-cake was utterly divine.

DSCF5202The rest of the last few weeks has been taken up with flute-related panic. By Wednesday morning I was regretting the whole enterprise. I mean, I generally avoid activities that terrify me. What was I thinking? Listen to this ridiculous piece I played, and make sure you get to the end – it gets more and more absurd as it goes on.

DSCF5280Really – is the piano even playing the same tune? (Yes, yes, I know, I don’t understand modern music, blah blah). (And yes, I did write the names of some of the notes onto the music. I’m not a genius).

I can’t remember the last time I felt so nervous! I was quite proud that I managed to only apologise to the examiner once during the exam (after the singing bit – I’m still blushing at the thought of it). And despite completely making up some of the answers, I don’t think I did too badly, although I have to wait a couple of weeks to find out.

Still, it’s all over now, and as a reward (for me, not the neighbours) I bought myself a new toy.

DSCF5276What fun!

(And no, there will not be a grade 8 saxophone exam. Ever. Absolutely not).

What have you been up to lately? Anything exciting? I’m off work for 10 days now so more adventures coming up!

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5 Responses to where did the time go?

  1. Robyn says:

    Lovely foody pics there, and equally lovely instrument-y ones! That cake does indeed look utterly delicious…..but I note there was no mention of your fudge-kidnapping exploits?! πŸ˜‰ xx

  2. Katherine says:

    Hurrah! Glad you survived the exam! I write the names on notes too, especially if there are many leger lines involved… And very exciting about the sax too. My mum teaches both and apparently good flute technique is tremendously helpful for the sax so hurrah again.

    Fingers crossed for you πŸ™‚

  3. Sian says:

    Good for you!! And I LOVE the Saxophone (listening – I don’t play – completely unmusical in every way – hence admiration for your exam). Glad you girlies had a good time though!

  4. Cassandra says:

    Good on you for even attempting such a challenging exam! My sons play clarinet and trumpet, so it’s a good thing our house is very soundproof some days. Can’t wait to hear how you went, another slice of awesome cake may be in order then!!

  5. Well done you! Look forward to hearing the saxophone πŸ™‚ Also, I want that cheese πŸ˜€

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