sometimes I just don’t know what to say

benchI keep meaning to come in here and post more often. Sometimes I have plenty to say and then time runs away with me, and when I get round to it, what I was going to say doesn’t seem quite so important any more.

These past few weeks I’ve felt like I have nothing much to say at all. Life goes on, of course. I’m working, which there isn’t much to say about in this space. I’m running, but I’m not sure I want this little blog filled with training plans and nutrition strategies. The garden is quiet and full of sticks. I’ve done little bits of sewing, but nothing much to show you.

I wonder whether that’s the problem? I like to use photographs in my posts, and I’m not taking many right now. Partly because the light doesn’t capture my imagination like it does in the summer, and partly because I’m not doing much worth photographing.

But was that ever the point? I often find myself thinking about why I’ve spent the last five years (really??) writing about my life. It started as a record of what was happening in the garden, and grew into snippets of everyday life, giving me something cheerful to remember when I felt I’d done nothing at all.

Sometimes I fret about silly things, like spacing my posts evenly throughout the week. But life doesn’t work like that – sometimes I work late, sometimes I have no photographs to post, and sometimes I throw my hands in the air and declare an internet free day. Sometimes that means I don’t post at all for two weeks.

One thing I do is strive to write the kind of blog I like to read. I like to see cheery things that people have been doing, see a glimpse into their lives.

Today is 100 days until my birthday. It’s not something I normally celebrate, but since I’ve noticed I’d like to do something to mark the occasion. I’ve thought about this for days, and asked friends for advice, and received many wonderful suggestions.

But I think the one I’m going to go with is a vague, unstructured one of my own. I’m going to post more. That’s it. No targets, no ‘100 posts in 100 days’ (I’m not that impressive). I just promise not to hold back when I do have something to say, not to wait for the perfect photograph, or the right time of day.

There might be posts with no photos at all, or posts from my phone with poor fomatting and dim pictures (I’ll try to keep those to a minimum).

I might post links to cheerful things I’ve seen elsewhere – something I mean to do and often don’t get round to.

I might post more than once in a day, and my posts might be a jumbled up patchwork of things rather than a coherent whole.

I will engage more with this place and you lovely people who visit. I do pop to your blogs, but I often just sneak my head around the door and don’t comment. I’m so sorry. I’d like to sit round your tables too, to learn more about your lives, and what it is that draws you here, what interests we share.

Right now I’m making marmalade and mozzarella, and eating home made rice pudding, and being impressed with my new slow cooker. I’m thinking about running, and a bath, and how the days are ever-so-slightly lengthening. I was going to save each of those things for a post of their own, and I might still write those posts, but it seems right to tell you what I’m thinking about right now.

So if you lurk, like I lurk elsewhere, stick your head up and say a quick hello, and I’ll do the same where you are. If you like, tell me what you’ve done today, and we can see how our Saturdays all look different and the same.

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22 Responses to sometimes I just don’t know what to say

  1. Barbara says:

    I find even the title of your post in my e-mail box brings a smile to my face, and I love the pictures of the things you make – and the tantalising glimpses of your home and garden that go with them. So love your posts, and the more the better, but don’t let it become a must-do chore, or the magic will be lost!

  2. Sue says:

    Hi, I confess to being a lurker but guess it can be encouraging to get comments so here goes. i enjoy reading your blog. i am also planning to eat homemade rice pudding later and have a slow cooker i bought last year but haven’t used much. Will be interested to see what recipes you use. Your posts on running make interesting reading too. I am currently a beginner at running (only 3k on the treadmill) but discovered I quite enjoy running so may progress to running further and outdoors eventually! Your posts are an inspiration.

  3. Hi Sue, and thank you for coming out from behind the sofa! šŸ™‚ I bet your rice pudding tastes nicer than mine – in a bid to not use our entire milk stash I made it with mostly water and it was a bit, well, *watery*… Oooh, you must get running outdoors, it’s far more fun than on the treadmill! (although I’m getting more excited about the numbers as time goes on). Nothing beats an outdoor run for clearing the head.

  4. Mum says:

    What did I do with my Saturday? I spent the afternoon catching up with a couple of friends who I haven’t seen since about October. We had some food, some alcohol and some laughs all sanwiched in between a walk at either end. Feel much better for it too šŸ™‚ x

  5. I read your blog all the time. I have it bookmarked and will pop in to check every now and then to see if there’s something new. It does make me smile when I see a new post. You have inspired me no end over the years I’ve “known” you – running, sewing and more recently cheese making.

    I don’t always comment as I tend to read a lot on my iPad and it can be quite temperamental sometimes when it comes to commenting. I am trying to make more of an effort to comment as I know it can be encouraging.

    Good luck with marking your 100 days to your birthday. Like someone else said, don’t let writing become a chore. Your enthusiasm comes through in your writing and it would be sad if it lost that.

    Thinking of it, your birthday must be very close to mine. I may go and count the days til my birthday now šŸ˜‰

    • Aw, how lovely šŸ™‚ Thank you šŸ™‚ I tend to read on my phone and that make commenting a bit more fiddly (and sometimes I just don’t know what to say!) But you’re right, it *is* lovely to get comments, and I will endeavour to say more this year. I’ve been very impressed with all your running and sewing efforts too!

  6. This is so lovely! Its simple, deep and witty all at once. I’m even worse at not popping my head around than you sound – I get email notifications, and I often simply read the email, oops …

    As for what I’ve done today, I’ve been prattling on the mfw board of mse (a new diary!) I ordered business cards for my new website and to exchange with the new people I’m meeting, and I’ve been to London Docklands to a birthday do, left early because of the potential for flooding between here and there. I’ve just got back, and having a mooch now on the interweb. Thing is, I’ll be dreaming of home made marmalade now … sounds lovely.

    • Ooh, a new diary! I’ll have to pop in soon, I miss the old MSE days sometimes (although it’s so easy to be drawn in for hours and hours and hours…). Glad you’ve had a nice day šŸ™‚ Marmalade is indeed lovely, the way the light shines through the jars (and the taste of course!)

  7. Jane Sarre says:

    Hey hey. I’m watching the blue tits on our new bird feeder – they are instant cheeriness! On the birthday front I have decided that on the day before my birthday (not til november) I want to have a day to myself to nurture and indulge, to sleep late or go to the turkish baths or whatever takes my fancy, and then to look back at my initial goals for the year and see where I’ve got to. Taking care of myself better is a big part of those goals so making time for some nurturing so that i can really enjoy whatever celebrations feels like a good step…

    • Oh I do love watching the birds! We have lots of blue tits here too, I’m hoping they’ll nest in our nest box again. What a lovely idea to nurture yourself before your birthday! I read somewhere about someone who takes the date of her birthday off work each month to do something just for herself, which sounded like a marvellous idea, I must investigate my diary!

  8. What a great post! Still very cheerful and engaging. When I started blogging I had targets of how many posts I wanted to write per week, and whilst I still do have those numbers in the back of my mind, if I don’t have anything to say, I don’t say anything. I don’t want to be a blogger who blogs about not having enough time to write blogs. Doesn’t make for interesting reading, does it?!

    In fact I’m having one of those days today. I’m full of half-posts that I want to start but I’m not sure how they’ll finish yet. So I guess I’ll start. As for my day, it’s Monday, right now I’m munching my way through a bowl of homemade popcorn, my current snack of choice. Had a busy day organising and planning. Now I want to bake a cake, but I need to do the washing-up first, and then as soon as I make it I’ll need to do the washing-up AGAIN, so I’m putting it off. Eventually the desire for chocolate cake will defeat the reluctance to clean. The 40oC heat isn’t enticing me to turn the oven on either…but eventually the cake will win. When the lighting is too poor to take photos and blog about it, no doubt.

  9. Just saying hello! Have lurked for a long time and really enjoy your posts. Like you, I love the ‘glimpse’ in to other peoples normal lives.

  10. singlegal1978 says:

    Lovely to read this. I’ve been feeling very much the same lately but need to get back to blogging. I love hearing what you get up to as we have such different interests so this really is a window on a different world for me! On Saturday I was very hungover so I lay about and then went to a party. I rarely get Saturdays off as you know so it was bliss!

    • Ooh, I can well imagine! I love spending the whole day lying about (although it’s actually something I do very rarely). I too love getting a window on a different world, always really interesting! Glad you’re getting back to blogging too!

  11. Moose Jaw Jen says:

    Another lurker reveals herself…
    I discovered your blog last fall and have enjoyed reading through the archives. No worries if you feel like you don’t know what to say – think of all of us like friends that you can visit without needing a reason. You know, the ones you can just drop in on, who will make you a cup of tea (with cake of course) and chat about nothing in particular. Everytime I visit your blog, it’s a cheerful time indeed.
    For today…
    Outside my window the streetlight makes the snow glisten.
    I am grateful for today’s sunshine and unseasonably warm weather after many grey days.
    In the kitchen are fresh pumpkin muffins to be enjoyed momentarily with fresh-from-the-cow cream brought by a friend.
    I am creating a patchwork duvet cover with a cozy flannel back. I finished sewing it this afternoon and it has been tested all evening by the cat. I have a feeling I won’t be allowed to use it until tomorrow night šŸ™‚
    I am looking forward to an unusually free weekend. I predict there will be lots of reading, knitting and yummy food.

    • Aw, what a lovely comment, thank you! I will indeed think of you all as lovely friends I can drop in on for a cuppa and a piece of cake and a chat about nothing-in-particular. Your pumpkin muffins sound glorious, and I hope you’ve managed to rescue your quilt from the cat! Have a lovely weekend.

  12. swissie3 says:

    Hallo there, just popping my head up from behind the sofa too to say hallo (well actually it’s Friday night and I am happily ensconced in bed reading, so the sofa is metaphorical). I wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog too. Always so cheerful. You are obviously what I would call a cheerful soul by nature but do you think the running adds to your sunny nature? It must do I reckon – all those endorphins and whatnot.
    I live in the French alps, I’m VERY happily newly divorced and my youngest is 21 and the only time I see him is when he asks what’s for dinner. Not that I mind of course. So almost a young singleton (as long as I don’t look in the mirror). But I read one of your posts about buttling and am trying to get in the habit. I work full-time of necessity and have a 12 hour day but realize I am lucky to have the job I have and am not complaining. BUT, I was wondering if you could give evening classes on buttling. I need to get into the habit of doing things “just for me” ‘cos no-one is forcing me to be their slave. You could set up an open university kinda thing. Anyway, I am rambling. Tomorrow’s schedule, apart from the usual market, shopping etc. includes my first visit to a local LETS (which is SEL in French) so am excited about that. Plus my first meeting with a local group who sponsor children in Nepal and I have already made the peppermint brownies. Any maybe after that a night over at my lovely partner’s. Could be perfect (even though they are predicting snow). Anyway, give some thought to the buttling course, blog when you want and keep up the smiling. All the best. Anna

  13. Karen Rowe says:

    Hi there thanks for the link I have saved your blog again and will try to follow your exploits!

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