tea from the garden

It’s been ever such a lovely day today, and I finally got chance to have a little potter in the garden this afternoon. I was in seed-planting mode, well aware I’d missed the official planting dates for some things (not something I generally worry about, but I’m trying to be a bit more diligent this year).

The first job was to clear some space in greenhouse 1 – partly by removing pots from things that had died (oops), and partly by harvesting a few radishes which I planted in October and which had soldiered on bravely throughout the winter.

RadishFive whole radishes! (Well, I suppose you could describe that as ‘four whole radishes and a tiny bit of vaguely pinkish wood’, but that would be rude, so I won’t).

Next up was a little bit of lettuce that had bolted in the hanging basket (including the flowers), and some tiny leaves and flowers from some rocket that clearly got a bit too warm in the greenhouse.

I’m keeping track of how much I harvest, and how much I would have spent had I bought in the shops, on this page. Apparently those radishes saved me two whole pence!

I was a bit unfocused this afternoon, and instead of tackling my list of jobs one at a time, I wandered vaguely through the garden, picking up sticks, doing a little weeding, moving things from one place to another. I started pulling the weeds from under the kitchen window, and remembered I’d had a vague feeling they were actually land cress, so came inside to look them up.

Hairy bittercress 1After a few false starts on wildflower identification websites I found what I was looking for here – this is hairy bittercress, a strange name for an apparently tasty plant, with a firey punch a little like rocket. Scrolling down the list of ‘weeds’ I spotted another that grows abundantly in my garden.

herb robertI always feel I should pull it out, since it grows everywhere, but I quite like the little pink and white flowers. This is apparently herb robert – which has an odd smell but which is also edible (apparently you can also use it in an enema, although rest assured I won’t be…).

Enthused by the idea of boosting my salad profits and getting myself a tasty tea into the bargain, I grabbed a bowl and started picking.

Hairy bittercress 2The resulting salad was fresh and vibrant, colourful and tasty, and felt like a proper treat.

Home grown saladI’ve struggled to decide how to cost what I harvest from the garden. I think I’m going to look at what I’ve grown, and cost the closest thing I can find from the shop I’m likely to have bought it from. I wouldn’t have bought an organic speciality gourmet herb salad from a posh shop (although that’s what I’ve ended up with), so I’ve costed this based on a bag of ‘nice’ salad leaves with rocket from a supermarket.

Which means this little salad saved me a grand total of 46p.

Obviously it’s more complicated than that – if I’d have gone to the shops it’s unlikely I would have only bought 46p worth of salad. But this is a topic I’m planning to return to throughout the year as I harvest more, so we can work on the complications later…

This entry was posted in conscious living, frugal friday, in the garden, in the kitchen. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to tea from the garden

  1. fay mckenzie says:

    How exciting!!!!!
    And all the yummier for being grown by yourself!

    BTW happy with photo texts for weed ID – am a bit geeky like that – great results in the ID though -well done!


    • Thank you!! you know, i did very nearly text you, but i thought with all your house excitement you’d have better things to do than identify my weeds!

      Now I’ve realised their salad potential though there’s no stopping me. Pretty sure I’ve got herb bennet too so when i spot some this year you’ll be the first to know…

  2. Rachel says:

    What a lovely looking salad! With hairy bittercress you also get the fun of exploding seed pods later in the summer 😀

  3. Lula says:

    Beautiful looking salad, so exciting when you discover you can eat stuff that is just there of its own accord 🙂

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