nearly there…

IMG_1153 (1024x768)Things have started getting a little festive around here.

I love it.

My presents are nearly bought, our tree is up, and I’ve been out every weekend with the flute choir playing carols at local Christmas fairs. I’ve eaten quite a lot of mince pies and I’m just about to put some mulled wine in the slow cooker. There’s only four days of work left.

I love Christmas. I always take two weeks off work and we often go on holiday, although this year we’re staying at home. We eat Tunnocks teacakes and drink tea and advocaat, and walk in the frost looking at the twinkly lights. I spend a lot of time reading, and even more time planning all the things I’ll do next year.

Somehow time feels like it stops at Christmas. I imagine things are rather more hectic with a house full of children, and we’ll be visiting our share of those, but in our house it’s peaceful and cosy, and the new year feels full of possibility.

Not long now…

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4 Responses to nearly there…

  1. Angel Jem says:

    Can I come for Christmas? Tunnock’s Teacakes and advocaat sounds like paradise!
    Christmas with children is more hectic, yes, but time still has a whole other feel to it; relaxed, happy,just more joyous. It’s great.

  2. That sounds absolutely glorious, and your photo looks glorious too 🙂 Another Tunnocks fan here.

  3. Mum says:

    Your tree looks a lot better than some I could mention!!! ha ha x

  4. Auntie Lou says:

    Lovely photo! Can we share your tree? Ours trashed by kittens! Have a fab break xx

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