
I confess I’m still not quite happy with the way things look around here, even after all my redecorating. However, I am bored of tinkering for the time being and have decided ‘good enough is good enough’ for now. I hope you can live with it!


Brr, it’s been a bit chilly lately. I confess I’ve felt rather like hibernating, and have taken any opportunity I can to snuggle under a blanket with a hot water bottle.

Last week we took hibernating rather too literally and sneaked off to a charming little in the Yorkshire Dales, just bought by some lovely friends of ours.

IMG_1376 (1024x768)We drove up after work and arrived late at night in the howling wind and rain. The cottage was cosy, but we weren’t sure what we’d find outside in the morning.

IMG_1369 (1024x768)We weren’t disappointed.

The first day we pottered into a local village to a cafe (of course) and then snuggled up at home in front of the fire. The next morning we woke to this:

IMG_1370 (1024x768)Hmm, not quite so charming. We stoked the fire and snuggled further under the blankets.

I spent quite a bit of time watching the weather change through the window.

IMG_1372 (1024x768) IMG_1374 (1024x768) IMG_1375 (1024x768)I’m not a fan of unnecessary driving in the snow, so we stayed near the house for the rest of the week, but with the sun shining I had to get out for a stomp in the snow.

IMG_1400 (1024x768)The valley was empty, and it felt strange to be alone in such an expansive space.

IMG_1401 (1024x768)IMG_1395 (1024x768)Of course, I wasn’t really alone.

IMG_1386 (1024x768)IMG_1408 (1024x768)Sometimes it’s nice to feel insignificant, and like nobody knows where you are, even if where you are isn’t all that far away.

IMG_1384 (1024x768)IMG_1378 (1024x768)We got back on Sunday, and woke on Monday to this:

IMG_1424 (1024x768)Apparently 2014 was the hottest year on record in the UK, and we didn’t have any snow at all last winter, so this feels all rather a novelty, and yet another good excuse to curl up with a blanket and a good book.

What’s the weather like where you are? Are you hibernating too?

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4 Responses to hibernating

  1. Angel Jem says:

    I wish! We had a flake or two and the frost on the cars has been consistent, but as for a proper sweeping of snow and the chance to hibernate….. well, let’s just say that it has never reached the point desired by my three children; no school and the chance to hang out in the snow. Yet. But it’s Easter in 3 months…..

  2. swissie3 says:

    Hi Anna here in France. Well over Christmas we only got one day of snow which as far as I am concerned was perfect, but since I live in the alps it was terrible for the ski resorts. We got snow again today for the first time but I don’t mind at the weekend. I hate driving on it though and of course you always get some idiots who don’t put snow tyres on and really mess up traffic. Still, it is beautiful and I guess we should consider ourselves lucky (so far) that it hasn’t been worse. Mostly its been sunny and mild here. I am looking forward to spring though. The best season!!! And shortly to be followed by veggie garden planting of course (add smiley face here). Cheers. Anna

  3. Ooh yes, spring feels just around the corner (although we have snow forecast AGAIN for tomorrow!) I seem to remember it snowed on my birthday one year when I was small (late April) so there’s still time for you Angel Jem! Gosh Anna, you live in the Alps? That feels unfeasibly exotic. I hate driving in the snow too – as far as I’m concerned my journey is NEVER necessary – the advantage of living in a city where everything is walkable…

    • swissie3 says:

      Hallo again – well “unfeasibly exotic” it isn’t – or at least not when driving on snow. I live mid-way between Geneva and Annecy and it really is stunning but out in the sticks so driving is a must. While I love it here the city most certainly does have its advantages. Swings and roundabouts I suppose. Have loved reading your blog so far, you are so cheerful and upbeat. I wonder where you find all your oomph to get up and go – mine got up and went sometime ago but (hopefully) slowly getting it back. And seeing the book of your blogs is really inspiring me. One of my goals is to write down all the “silly stories” from my childhood growing up in a large family as my kids love the old stories, and seeing your blog and books is giving even an old technophobe like me ideas, so keep up the good work. Cheers. Anna

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