my winter garden

RadishToday I’m joining in with the Grow Write Guild, where this week’s prompt is describe your garden in 5-10 words.

Usually at this time of year I’d use words like sticks and mud. Pots filled with stagnant water. Litter blown in off the street. More sticks.

Fuschia in FebThis year seems different. It’s been chilly, but we’ve not yet had a proper frost. No snow, and plenty of sunshine. And rain. Oh yes, lots of rain. Some parts of the country are completely under water, and people have lost homes.

We’re fortunate to live on top of a hill, way above sea level, so there’s little damage. The water butt is full, and yes, there are pots filled with stagnant water. A couple of roof slates have blown off, but that’s the worst of it.

fuschia 2Instead when I went outside yesterday other words came to mind. Surprising words. Not February words. Flowers. Seedlings.

Flowers 1Flowers 2Radish!

Radish 1The community garden is thriving too. Kale and broccoli outside, and salad leaves in the polytunnel.

Hallamgate salad Hallamgate bedsIt almost feels like spring out there.


If you fancy writing about your garden too, take a peek at the Grow Write Guild list of prompts. They change every fortnight so there’s always something new to think about.

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1 Response to my winter garden

  1. alderandash says:

    I agrees, it’s weird not having had any proper cold. I’ve been planting out some snowdrops I was given, with bees buzzing round my head, and primroses out already and daffodils on their way…think it was April last year before I saw those two!!

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