2013 – a year of buttling

DSCF4776(Isn’t he great? He’s a rubber duck shaped tea strainer, given to me by my sister, and he makes drinking tea even more fun than it already was!)

We’ve decided our word for 2013 is going to be ‘buttling‘ (yes, we made it up).

Buttling refers to cheerful activity, something you enjoy, pottering about, doing one thing, then another thing, then having a little rest. Sometimes productive, sometimes just plain old fun. Buttling is a positive thing – you can’t buttle in a bad mood (although you can buttle yourself out of one).

Buttling is the focus of the year, because there are just so many cheerful things to buttle. We’ll be carrying on with our plan to turn the house into a palace. There will be garden buttlings, of course. And some running buttling too – not another marathon, before you ask, but there will be a 10k race in February, and another in May at least. And I’ll be doing my grade 8 flute exam in a couple of months – a prospect I find alternately horrifying and hilarious (a grown woman paying Β£82 (!) for the privilege of being scared out of her wits and looked at sternly by an examiner for half an hour, voluntarily and for no good reason at all? How is that not hilarious?)

I’ll be working only four days a week this year, and there will be a new project at work, and possibly even a new job. Who knows what else the year will hold!

As for this little blog of mine… I’ll do a round up of last year’s conscious living quest, but I’m not sure I’ll carry on writing about it in the same way. I’m considering looking more closely at permaculture principles. Rather conveniently there are 12 (in that version at least) – one for each month perhaps? We’ll see.

DSCF4733I’m not making resolutions, although there are things I plan to do of course. But they will be done cheerfully, with plenty of tea breaks and a smile on my face. No punishing gym schedules for me!

What are your plans for 2013?

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2 Responses to 2013 – a year of buttling

  1. Robyn says:

    You know enough of mine to mean that I can’t just ignore them and pretend they never happened! We’ve started using buttling too….well, I have, Mr EH just looks at me as though I’ve gone mad….

  2. Hooray, buttling spreads! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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